Schools are not listening to parents.

It’s time that they did.

To send a message that schools need to respect parental rights, join parents in the United States, Canada, Australia, UK, and New Zealand every second Thursday of every month and take one of these actions, which range from sending an email to keeping your children out of school.

The next day of action is April 11, 2024

Schools need to recognize that parents’ rights are civil rights.

Want to add your video to the playlist above! Please email us the YouTube link to your ten to twenty second video where you mention your county and state and say you’ll also “Unteach the Overreach”!

Whether it is ignoring widespread academic failures, allowing boys to both compete on girls’ sports teams and enter their private changing spaces, teaching disputed gender ideology as truth, secretly changing student names and pronouns without parental consent, or even keeping kindergarten curricula a secret, schools are increasingly overstepping their bounds and ignoring parents’ concerns, which directly impacts parents’ ability to raise their children. 

We are sending the message that enough is enough.  Parents are the primary educators of their children and should be respected!!

Parents are encouraged to participate in activities that qualify as excused absences which usually include taking a vacation day for any reason. Click here for a sample excused absence note.

Please visit us at Twitter or YouTube and help spread the word.